
Future projections
Apart from historical facts, the earnings forecasts, future plans, strategies, etc. presented on this website constitute projections of future performance. They represent judgements made by management based on information currently available and involve potential risks and uncertainties. These earnings forecasts have not been produced for the purpose of providing investment advice concerning trading in our securities or those of other companies. We therefore ask that you refrain from making investment decisions solely on the basis of these forecasts.
Please also understand that we cannot be held responsible for any omissions, errors, etc. in the data, expressions, etc. used on this website.
Limitations concerning use
We hold the copyright to or have obtained licenses to use all the content, including images, video, text, music, and downloadable content (below, “content”), presented on this website, and the content is protected by copyright law in each country, treaties, and other laws.
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Insider trading regulations
As methods of public disclosure in connection with insider trading regulations, we disclose information constituting “important information” under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act via the website of the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s self-regulatory organization (Company Announcements Disclosure Service, https://www.release.tdnet.info/inbs/I_main_00.html) at the same time as we release the information to media organizations. Disclosure via our own website generally occurs after disclosure via the Company Announcements Disclosure Service, so even if you buy or sell our shares after reading a news release, it will not constitute insider trading.
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Securities transactions
The purpose of our website is to provide information about our corporate strategy going forward. The site is not intended to solicit investment in securities issued by us.
Statements concerning our current earnings forecasts, plans, strategies, etc. that are presented on our website offer no assurance as to future performance, and include risks and uncertainties. Please be aware that future performance could differ from targets as a result of factors such as changes in our operating environment.

IR-related inquiries

Corporate planning group
Heiwa Corporation
2-22-9 Higashiueno, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0015

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