Disclosure policy

  1. Basic policy for information disclosure

    Our basic policy is to be fully aware that timely and appropriate disclosure of corporate information to investors is critical for the soundness of securities markets, to endeavor to improve internal structures to always allow swift, accurate, and fair disclosure of corporate information from the viewpoint of investors, and to adopt a serious attitude to timely and appropriate disclosure of corporate information to investors.

  2. Standards for information disclosure

    We disclose, in a timely and appropriate manner, any information for which timely disclosure is required under the Securities Listing Regulations prescribed by Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. (below, “compulsory disclosure information”). Furthermore, we also strive for fair disclosure of information that does not constitute “compulsory disclosure information” if it is deemed to be useful for investors (below, “voluntary disclosure information,” with “compulsory disclosure information” and “voluntary disclosure information” collectively referred to below as “important information”).

  3. Information disclosure methods

    We disclose “compulsory disclosure information” through TDnet (Timely Disclosure network) operated by Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. We also do so by issuing press releases to press clubs, making announcements on our website, holding press conferences, and so on. We also disclose “voluntary disclosure information” using timely and appropriate methods.

  4. Prevention of insider trading

    We endeavor to properly manage “important information” and prevent insider trading by including standards for conduct concerning the management of “important information” and trading etc. in shares etc. by officers and employees in internal rules. We also promote caution with regard to insider trading by running courses about insider trading for officers and employees as well as through our internal IT systems.

  5. Information concerning performance forecasts

    Some of the information we disclose contains forward-looking statements such as future plans, forecasts, targets, and numerical projections of the Company and related companies. These forward-looking statements represent assumptions and beliefs based on information currently available and involve potential risks and uncertainties. Therefore, we wish to caution you that actual performance may differ materially from the aforementioned forward-looking statements due to various factors, including the future business environment, economic conditions, and financial market conditions.

  6. Silent period

    We designate the period from the day after the final day of the month in which book closing takes place until the day the operating results are announced as a silent period to prevent the leak of operating result information and ensure the fairness. During the silent period, we refrain from answering questions or making comments concerning the operating results or performance forecasts. However, if “important information” arises during the silent period, we disclose it as necessary.

  7. IR structure and IR department

    Our IR activities are handled by the corporate planning group, and the Representative Director/President, directors including outside directors, audit and supervisory board members, the head of the corporate planning group, and the heads of each department work together to carry out IR activities. Furthermore, the head and staff of the corporate planning group provide explanations in response to individual inquiries from shareholders and investors as well as at IR events. The Representative Director/President and director in charge also respond when reasonably possible

  8. Initiatives with IR activities

    We endeavor to provide information to investors about the Group’s operating environment, management strategy, financial position, and performance on an ongoing basis and in an easy-to-understand fashion. Specifically, in addition to disclosing “important information,” we hold earnings briefings for securities analysts and institutional investors (twice a year), publish an annual report (IR booklet, twice a year), provide information through our website, and so on. As such, we strive to meet the needs of investors. Furthermore, useful information received from investors in the course of our IR activities is reported to the Board of Directors on an ad hoc basis.

(Revised on December 21, 2021)

[IR-related inquiries]

Corporate planning group
Heiwa Corporation
2-22-9 Higashiueno, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0015

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